
RD Calculator

Yearly Contribution

Total Invested Amount


Total Interest Earned


Maturity Amount


Maturity Amount*:

Rs. 0

What is an RD (Recurring Deposit) Calculator?

Before knowing what RD calculator is, you must first know what RD is? A Recurring Deposit (RD) is a way to save money by making regular monthly payments for a set period. Logic is simple, first you decide how long you want to invest and how much you want to pay each month. RDs are flexible and great for regular saving and building an emergency fund. But when it comes to knowing how much interest you are going to earn , you must use the RD Calculator.

How It Can Help You

Before picking an RD plan, compare different options. An RD calculator makes this easy. Here’s how:

Accurate Estimates: It shows your total investment, returns, and maturity amount clearly.
Time-Saving: It does the calculations for you, saving time.
CError-Free: It avoids mistakes in calculations.
Comparison Tool: It helps you compare various RD plans.
Financial Planning: It helps you plan investments based on your goals.

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